Author: Helen Ukusova.
tyts:. http://smallbusiness. ru/work/adv/287 /.
Press release referred to a press release about the events that took place or planned in the company. His task - to make your company better known - namely, to inform journalists and through them the general public about what is happening in your company. Attracting the attention of readers with such messages, you can create a certain public opinion about the company, to form the desired image and, of course, advertise your products and services.
Of course, all this can be done with conventional advertising, but, first, it is more expensive, and secondly, it is important to any company that over time the name ... These ... Therefore, the more you write about in the press, the better. In order to get the media to write about you, and need a press release. Literate and delivered at prestigious publications press releases can bring us no less effective than expensive advertising.
The reason for the press release can serve almost any event in your company:.
new projects.
actions, competitions, seminars, exhibitions.
changes in prices or terms of service.
changes in product range, launching new products, new services.
expansion of the company, opening branches, representative offices.
original marketing ideas.
conclusion of contracts and completion.
significant change in business performance (revenue, profit, market share).
appointments, reshuffle, the expansion of the company.
tenders and competitions.
the entry of new players.
the company's participation in charity events, sponsorship.
scientific achievements, inventions and discoveries.
Prizes and awards.
development plans of the company.
Any ' tasty ' cause filed by the news may attract media attention, and therefore wide audience. Press Release may contain information about the upcoming event ( time to ensure that the announcement sent out by the presence of media representatives at the event ), to have accomplished this or not yet completed the event.
Who reads a press release.
Press release - this is not an article in the newspaper. This is just a way of communicating with the media editors, and not with his audience. Actually, the media itself is the target audience of the advertising text, which, in fact, a press release. Only he does not sell products and services to consumers, and information. Accordingly, it should not write for the ... It should be understood that the main task of the journalist - to write such a material that will attract the attention of a wide range of readers. Hence, the press release should be such that the journalist got it, do not throw, and undertook to write based on this material. How do I do?.
What you need to journalists.
Widespread belief that journalists like ... This is not true. Journalists are not interested in ... And this is not always the same. Today, the media market is clearly separated niches, and each edition has a definite place. There are business magazines, entertainment, ... Dr.. And everyone needs ... And if the ... And vice versa. Your press release will be of interest only if it contains information of interest to the readers or viewers of this particular media. Thus, your task - to offer a version of the information needed her audience. It should be:.
one hundred percent of the relevant topics of publication, in which shall be sent;.
relevant, to the ...
important to the public, well, if the information can be associated with any significant social problem;.
However, there is complexity: the modern mediapole any mention of the news block is perceived as advertising or as a minimum, ... As a result, encouraging journalists to write even an interesting event that took place in a small or medium companies is not easy. To interest the sharks pen is not enough to describe the subject matter in any form. This must be done correctly.
How to write.
Anyone interested, what is happening in thousands of companies, which no one knows. Why not write about what happened with you, and how it will affect people's lives, or even the whole market. This is the main rule of good press release. There are others:.
do not mention the company name in the title;.
Remember that journalists are very fond of all sorts of comments in the release include the direct speech of the leaders of the company;.
do not openly advertise their products and services;.
Equip a press release interesting figures relating to the market, remember that the facts and figures - this is what guided the editor in deciding on eventual publication;.
decrypt abbreviations;.
not to speak platitudes.
structure. Build a text modeled on the news. First, give the answer to four questions: who, where, what and when. Then - the most interesting information in one paragraph. Further - details, details, and in the end - the background ( background information, the background events). Good practice to accommodate the press release on the same page.
language. Read the stationery dry bureaucratic phrases and florid turns very difficult to. Even more difficult to write on their basis an interesting live text. Write press releases for a simple, understandable language, without complex sentences and phrases.
title. Some believe that as the title fit the word ... This is a big mistake! . The title should be bright, to maximize the interest of anyone who will read it. As with all of the text, it is appropriate to use the principle of usefulness to the people: proclaim the headline is not what happened in your company, and that it will give customers. For example, instead of ...
Contacts. Do not forget at the end of the press release added name responsible PR- worker, who, if necessary, you can specify the information, and, of course, phone area code, email, or other convenient means of communication for you.
format. Cook text format doc, illustrations apply separately in the application into a jpg or gif.
wrote. What's next?.
Find out what readers of magazines, websites, newsletters and newspapers may be interested in your services and products. Simply put, look for those who write ... Find a copy of the publication ( study site). Use this publication as a guide for adjusting their own press release: Turn on all the elements that are in demand in the publication (photographs, diagrams, references), stick to his style, language (the length of the header, the format of the photo captions, and m. n. ). Do this for each job you're interested in publishing.
Call the editor, specify the name, address and telephone number of the person should send a press release.
Write a short cover letter and send a press release. After some time, call the editors to make sure that your letter is received. Always be prepared to answer detailed questions about all printed in the press release of information.
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